
About Us

SciReal’s leadership combines decades of professional experience in scientific computing. Dr. Wely Floriano is the company’s leading scientist. She has extensive experience in computational modeling of biomolecular systems, with over 25 articles published in peer reviewed journals. She has served as peer reviewer for a number of scientific publications, including the well-known Journal of the American Chemical Society, and served as reviewer of research proposals for the European non-profit organization International Foundation for Science and the American organization National Sciences Foundation. Dr. Floriano is a pioneer in the application of Computer-assisted Molecular Design techniques traditionally used in drug discovery to other non-conventional areas, such as chemical senses (taste and smell) and detection of pathogenic and allergenic proteins. Darryl Willick is the leader in systems administration, high performance computing, and data analyses and visualization, with over 20 years of experience. He has extensive experience building and maintaining High Performance Computer (HPC) systems, managing and coding scientific software, and working with scientists in utilizing high performance computing. 

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